Classi & laboratori di 5Ritmi nella città di Firenze due volte al mese.
A volte con Olivia, o Alessia o Azahara.
In Italiano & English
ORARIO: 15:00/17:30
PRESSO: Renny, Via F. Baracca 1F – Firenze
COSTO: 25 euro Agevolazioni per studenti e disoccupati. Contattarci in privato.
Ogni classe avrà una sua tema che fa parte di un percorso nella pratica dei 5Ritmi. Senza obbligo di partecipare a tutti gli incontri.
Passo dopo passo stiamo tornando a danzare insieme dopo troppi mesi senza vederci dal vivo.
Queste classe sono aperto a tutti, anche a chi non ha esperienze precedenti.
5Rhythms classes and day labs in Florence twice a month.
Sometimes with Olivia and sometimes with Alessia or Azahara.
VENUE: Renny, Via F. Baracca 1F – Florence
TIME: 3pm/5:30pm
COST: 25 euros Discounts for students and unemployed. Contact us in private.
Step by step we are returning to dance together after many months without seeing each other live.
Each class will have its own theme that is part of a course in the 5Rhythms practice. It is possible to not participate in all the classes.
We move through five levels of which five tasks are revealed, each unleashing a specific power in us along with five levels of consciousness.
The 5Rhythms® is a practice in which dance becomes a metaphor for our life. It allows the mind and thoughts to calm down, to establish deep contact with ourselves and with others, to move and dance with whatever is inside us, finding over time trust in who we really are.
These class are open to everyone, even those with no previous experience.
Google link to get to Renny: