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A Heartbeat level weekend workshop with Olivia in Reykjavík, Iceland

with assistant: Sigurborg Kr 5Rhythms teacher from Iceland

DATES: 8 – 10 November 2024

VENUE: Leiðin heim – Holistic healing center Reykjavík. Google link:

This will NOT be a residential workshop. We will be able to stay in the same residence in Reykjavik  if you book in time early.

FRIDAY 19:00 – 21:30 (open drop in class)
SATURDAY 11:00 – 18:00
SUNDAY 10:00 – 17:00

Register here:


Friday evening will be an open introduction class
Price for the Friday evening is 25 euros

Price for the whole workshop:
170 Euro early bird until 18th of October
200 Euro after 18th of October

The workshop will be in English with translation into Icelandic.

Spaces are limited! Reserve your spot in time so we can all sleep in the same hotel.

5Rhythms Dance and Movement Workshop in Icelandwith Olivia Olla Palmer 

Discover the Power of Elements & Emotions in Movement

Join us in Iceland for a 5Rhythms dance and movement workshop that delves deep into the relationship between the five core emotions of the heart and the five elements of nature. This workshop offers a transformative opportunity to explore your inner landscape through your connection with the elements and understand how they influence your emotions, and vice versa.

Using the heartbeat map of the 5Rhythms practice and engaging in group work, you’ll unlock new levels of self-awareness and healing. Connect with others, embrace the elements, and experience the profound synergy between movement and emotion.

Our emotions, much like the natural elements, are powerful forces that shape our experience of life. By understanding and working with these elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether—we can find profound ways to connect with our emotional landscape.

Integrating the Elements By consciously integrating the elements into our daily lives, we can cultivate a balanced and harmonious relationship with our emotions. Each element offers unique tools and perspectives that can help us navigate the complexities of our emotional world. Through this holistic approach, we learn not only to manage our emotions but to honor and embrace them as integral parts of our human experience.

Our emotions, much like the natural elements, are powerful forces that shape our experience of life. By understanding and working with these elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether—we can find profound ways to connect with our emotional landscape – fear, anger, sadness, joy and compassion.

Embrace the elements, and let them guide you on a journey of emotional discovery and healing.

A Cacao ceremony will be integrated into this workshop. Cacao ceremonies and the 5Rhythms practices both focus deeply on connecting to the heart. Cacao, with its heart-opening properties, together with the Heartbeat level map that creates an intense and safe space for participants to explore and release emotions.
My experience has been that the gentle energy of cacao allows for a soft release of emotion and emotional blocks. Combined with the profound movement experience that the Heartbeat map offers, I think this will create a unique, embodied journey of healing and self-awareness, perfect for this workshop’s focus on the heart and it’s emotional body.

Workshop Focus:

  • Emotions: Fear, Anger, Sadness, Joy, Compassion
  • Elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Ether

What to expect:

  • Guided Dance Sessions: Experience the healing power of movement and how it can help you connect with and express your emotions.
  • Elemental Exploration: Learn how each element resonates with different states of being and emotions and how to use this knowledge for personal growth and healing.
  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Olivia and Sigurborge’s experience as facilitators will guide you through each Rhythm and Element, providing a safe space for expression and exploration.
  • Community Connection: Meet like-minded people, share your journey, and build meaningful connections through shared experiences.


Olivia is a 5Rhythms© teacher, mentor, organizer, and dancer. Born in London, she has made Italy her home since 1986. She has dedicated her life to studying various dance, movement, and self-healing techniques for over 30 years. In 2006, she embarked on her journey with the 5Rhythms practice, obtaining her certification as a Waves level teacher in 2014 and as a Heartbeat level teacher in 2022.

Cacao ceremony:
Cammile Barrios is a Certified Movement Medicine® teacher and Venezuelan Cacao Guardian. She carries the medicine of sacred heart alchemy and wild beauty. Born in Venezuela, she grew up in different countries, and she loves to call herself a citizen of the world. She has been working with Cacao personally for 7 years and has been sharing its medicine in circles for the last 5 years.


For more information, please contact: / +39 3889988681

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5Rhythms dans og hreyfing helgar námskeið á Íslandi með Olivia Olla Palmer
DAGSETNINGAR: 8. – 10. nóvember 2024
STAÐSETNING: Leiðin heim – Holistic healing center Reykjavík. Google hlekkur:
Þetta verður ekki íbúðar námskeið.Tryggðu þér stað í tíma svo við getum öll sofið á sama hóteli í Reykjavík. Pláss eru takmörkuð!
Þú ert boðin að dvelja og kanna óspillta, öfluga landslag Íslands í tvær daga eftir námskeiðið með Olivia og nokkrum úr hópnum.
NÁMSKEIÐ SKRÁNING: FÖSTUDAGUR 19:00 – 21:30 (opið námskeið) LAUGARDAGUR 11:00 – 18:00 SUNDAY 10:00 – 17:00
KOSTNAÐUR NÁMSKEIÐS: Föstudagskvöld: 25 evrur
Verð fyrir allt námskeiðið:
170 evrur fyrir snemma skráningu til 18. október
200 evrur eftir 18. október
Fyrir þátttakendur frá útlöndum:
Það er á þátttakanda að kaupa sína eigin flugmiða.
Kostnaður við gistingu er aukalega og fer eftir gerð herbergis sem valið er. Hafðu samband við Olivia fyrir nánari upplýsingar.
Námskeiðið verður á ensku með þýðingu á íslensku.
Þetta verður Heartbeat námskeið í Reykjavík, Íslandi.
Taktu þátt í námskeiði 5Rhythms á Íslandi þar sem farið er djúpt í tengslin milli fimm grunn tilfinninga hjartans og fimm þátta náttúrunnar.
Þetta námskeið býður upp á tækifæri til að kanna innra landslag þitt í gegnum tengsl við þættina og skilja hvernig þeir hafa áhrif á tilfinningar þínar og öfugt.
Með því að nota hjartsláttar kort 5Rhythms æfingarinnar og taka þátt í hópvinnu, munuð þið opna nýja víddir sjálfsmeðvitundar og lækninga. Tengið við aðra, takið á móti þáttunum og upplifðu djúpa samverkun milli hreyfingar og tilfinninga.
Tilfinningar okkar, eins og náttúrulegu þættirnir, eru öflugar afl sem móta reynslu okkar á lífinu. Með því að skilja og vinna með þessa þætti—jörð, vatn, eld, loft og eter—getum við fundið djúp tengsl við tilfinningalandslag okkar.
Hver þáttur býður upp á einstaka verkfæri og sjónarhorn sem getur hjálpað okkur að sigla í gegnum flækjurnar í tilfinningalandi okkar. Með þessu heildræna nálgun lærum við ekki aðeins að stjórna tilfinningum okkar heldur einnig að heiðra og taka á móti þeim sem ómissandi hluta af mannlegri reynslu okkar.
Tilfinningar okkar, eins og náttúrulegu þættirnir, eru öflugar afl sem móta reynslu okkar á lífinu. Með því að skilja og vinna með þessa þætti—jörð, vatn, eld, loft og eter—getum við fundið djúp tengsl við tilfinningalandslag okkar – ótta, reiði, sorg, gleði og samúð.
Ég er Olivia, vottuð kennari í bæði “Waves” og “Heartbeat” stigum, leiðbeinandi, aðstoðarmaður og dansari Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms©. Fædd í London, hefur Ítalía verið heimili mitt síðan 1986. Flest líf mitt hefur verið helgað dansi og sjálfsþróun, og árið 2006 byrjaði ég ferðina mína með 5Rhythms æfingunni. Ég var vottuð sem Waves stig kennari árið 2014 og árið 2022 sem “Heartbeat” stig 5Rhythms kennari. /
Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast hafðu samband: / +39 3889988681

Event Detail

8 Novembre 2024 18:00
10 Novembre 2024 17:00
Reykjavík, Iceland